Software Engineering Review 1

Software Engineering Review 1

Militsa Bozhich

«Hello. My name is Militsa Bozhich. I came from Bosnia and Herzegovina 3 years ago. It's my second year of Software Engineering at Institute of Systems, Software Engineering and Information Technologies.

Here we study how to write programs and how to develop some ideas. There are a lot of interesting subjects like discrete mathematics, mathematical analysis, C# and C++. It's difficult for me to choose my favourite, but most of all I enjoy writing programs.
Sometimes I don't succeed from the first time, but I never give up.

I chose this faculty because it's a big challenge for me and It helps to expand my knowledge. Technology is a big part of the future and to know how to write programs can open a lot of new paths for me. I hope that one day I'll work in some big well-known company where I'll be able to use my knowledge and expand it. Also I think that this faculty provides me exactly that».